all the latest news from Mlali

Thanks to the QEA team for all the photos and updates!

Kili’s coming to Scotland and we’re having a ceilidh!

October 2024

Kili, the school’s founder, is visiting Scotland, and we’re hosting an exciting fundraising ceilidh in Muir of Ord, near Inverness in partnership with our friends at the African, Caribbean, Asian and Mixed Heritage Association of the Highlands! She’ll share the inspiring story of the school as we come together to dance, drum, and celebrate the rich cultures of Tanzania and the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. The evening will feature Gaelic poetry, ceilidh dancing, Afghan poetry, Syrian oud music, and African dance—an unforgettable night of cultural exchange and celebration! Get your tickets here!

Students, staff, families and the community celebrate the graduation of 2024’s p7 class

September 2024

In September, the staff, students, and families of the school united to celebrate the accomplishments of the recent P7 class at QEA. The event was filled with dancing, performances, speeches, delicious food, and celebration.

QEA celebrates its 10 year anniversary

September 2024

It’s hard to believe that it’s been 10 years since Kili, along with her brother, parents, and sister-in-law, started the school in a small local council office space that was generously donated to them. The progress made in these 10 years is truly remarkable, all thanks to the dedication and passion of the community.

QEA’s farm is producing well, but more water needed

July 2024

The farm is producing maize, beans, peppers, tomatoes, bananas, sunflowers and more, but it relies heavily on rainwater which is increasingly unreliable as result of the climate crisis. QEA is in need of its own water source, and are planning to install a borehole. They just need funding for it!

QEA comes first in district exams

May 2024

QEA’s P7 class has done brilliantly in their mock exams, coming first in the district and giving lots of hope for the final exams coming up later in the year! Well done to all the teachers and students and support staff for all their work!

Construction of new rainwater collection reservoir - April 2024

The new rainwater collection system at the school has improved the relaability of the water supply, especially as rainfall becomes increasingly unpredictable. Better access to water improves hygiene, reduces disease, and allows students to focus on learning rather than fetching water. The new system also helps keep the school farm watered, supports sustainability, and saves on water costs. The school’s big aim is to install their own bore hole, but this system is helping a lot in the meantime!

New toilets for QEA

Installing new toilets at the school has made a big difference in health, hygiene, and learning. With fewer diseases and better hygiene, students are healthier and attend school more often, which helps them do better in class. The new facilities, especially for girls, ensure privacy and dignity, which reduces absences and supports gender equality. This has created a better learning environment and helped keep teachers at the school. The project also raises awareness about sanitation, benefiting both the school and the wider community.

A new nursery building for QEA

April 2024

The new nursery building, built in 2023 and funded by local income, has been a great benefit to the school. It gives the nursery children a safe and proper space to learn and play, helping them get ready for primary school. The building reduces overcrowding in other areas of the school and shows how much the community values education. The community is really proud of the new building, and the nursery children are enjoying learning in it!

New nursery branch in neighbouring village

In January 2024, the QEA expanded to Chamkoroma, a village 11 km away from Mlali, by opening a new nursery branch there. This new school makes it easier for local children to access education without having to travel far. It helps them to develop important skills and prepares them for future schooling. The partnership with the community and church in Chamkoroma encourages local involvement and pride in education. Additionally, the nursery has created jobs in Chamkoroma, promotes gender equality, and strengthens community ties.

School Shops up and running


The school shop units are now open, with one rented out to a local pharmacist business (Duka la dawa) and one being used as a general shop for income for the school. Mama Faith, the school cook, sits on the steps outside.

“The permaculture training opened my eyes to what is possible. All this time I have been struggling away, buying expensive chemicals fertilisers and things, when all the answers were around me for free! It’s given me even more confidence in myself as a woman and in my ability to be independent.”

Mach Kingamkono, QEA Women’s Group