The Queen Elizabeth Academy's ultimate aim is to continuE to transform the lives of children and families in Mlali Without being reliant on outside funding.
You can be part of that
You can donate money to the work of the school, knowing that it will continue to be regenerated in quality or quantity. Read more about what this means here.
Currently, your donation will go directly to staff salaries at the Queen Elizabeth Academy, allowing the school to sustain and improve on the quality of education that it is able to provide. Read more about the impact of supporting teachers here.
If you are interested in funding projects that can help to grow the sustainability of the school, you can find out more about current priorities here.
We do not accept donations in kind to be sent to the school as we want to support local businesses to strengthen the economy around Mlali - i.e. having school uniforms made by local tailors rather than sending uniforms from the UK. However, if you have things to sell in the UK to fundraise money for the school, we very much encourage you to!
You can also donate of your time. We are always looking for people who are excited to spread the word and grow the important work of the school through fundraising, marketing or sharing their gifts and knowledge.
This is a straightforward, one off card donation. If you like this option, please see below for how to sign up for Gift Aid and regular giving.
If you have skills or knowledge you’d like to share in charity management, accountancy, communications, campaigns, or anything else, please get in touch.
Give to our campaign on Just Giving, or sign up to do your own fundraiser!
Kelly Silvester (P1) and Michael Nguji (P3)
Staff and students celebrate during a p7 graduation ceremony.
What is Gift aid?
Charitable causes can reclaim tax paid on donations made under the Gift Aid scheme. This means that if you let us know that you are a UK tax payer we can reclaim the tax you have already paid - that is 25p for every £1 you give. You don't need to pay anything extra but more money goes to the Queen Elizabeth Academy.
In order for us to claim Gift Aid on your donation, simply download and complete this form and return it to the postal address indicated.
This form also includes an option for signing up to a standing order for regular giving. Regular donations are of huge benefit to the QEA, making planning easier for each month. If you use online banking, you can also use the bank details on this form to set one up.