“Children are the source of change and development; agents of community transformation and prosperity.”
Kilines Sekwiha
203 children come to learn, grow and be cared for at the Queen Elizabeth Academy every day. When they go home, with the knowledge and confidence they gain, they in turn help to strengthen and support their families.
Above is one of these miniature change makers, Joanita Majaliwa, in Nursery Class. Meet some more of them below!
Valentino is just starting out on his school career. He loves putting on his uniform and heading off to school every morning. He has lots of friends already and is enjoying all the learning.
Light’s family live in a different town but they so wanted her to be educated at the QEA that they have moved her to live in Mlali. The Sekwiha family have given her a long term home with them as she studies, until the boarding house is complete and she can stay there during term time. Light is bright, full of energy and very kind to those around her.
Sara has been at QEA since she was in nursery class, and after taking some time to adapt to the classroom setting, she has now passed her national exams, making all of her teachers and her mum very proud.
Her mum Manuela is part of the Safina Women’s Group at QEA, where she has found a lot of strength to continue pushing forward and supporting her daughter’s education.
Jackie and Ashruna are long time QEA students and long time friends. They are part of the school’s girl’s club which is named ‘Girl Arise and Fulfill Your Dreams’.
Gift is just starting out his career at QEA, but the welcoming atmosphere and small classes are helping him to adapt well.
Felista is the daughter of Athanas and Emma who are part of the management team. She is very kind and welcoming to anyone she meets and has a sharp mind, having inherited her family’s passion for learning. She fiercely loves animals and will always defend them from any harm.
Juliana is a bright, joyful and responsible girl. She does well in her classes and is very dedicated to her education. Here Juliana is pictured with her grandmother who looks after her, Agines Lengoliga.
Like the other students at QEA, Juliana is supported holistically by the school team. This includes her classroom education as well as home based support and follow up.
Mariam has been at QEA since she was in nursery and her mother Rehema is an active member of the Safina Women’s Group. You can meet her here.
Mariam is a girl with a quiet wisdom, who looks out for her friends, works hard in school and cares for her little sisters with a lot of love.
Sumaya is really enjoying nursery, taking part with happiness in the games and activities that her teachers organise of her class.
Stanny LOVES school. He loves the ritual of getting his uniform on, he loves doing his homework, counting out loud, writing in his books. He has a very sharp mind and charms everyone he meets.
Rachel is a newer addition to the school but is working hard, making lots of friends and thriving.
Irene is a wonderful learner. She picks things up very quickly and thanks to her talented auntie, she always has impeccable hair. Irene’s mum runs her own shop in the village market.